File Protection
The File Protection makes fake and modified filename sizes get
copy protection. When users include a lot of such dummy/fake images,
they make good copy protection. The file protection works efficiently
with CDs and DVDs. File protection does not support CCD or IMG
images (very good are NRG images). Users have to first create
an image and then use the file protection on the same.
There are two options present in file protection. They are:
a) Protect files with the VERY HARD option
b) Protect files with the FULL option
Protect files with the VERY HARD option:
Protect files with the VERY HARD option is used for very large
files say for instance, files having 16MB size and also on picture
DVDs. If there are various pictures each of a large size, then
users would not like to copy those files with internet explorer
because of their file size. In these instances, file protection
with the VERY HARD option makes the process simpler for users.
Protect files with the FULL option:
Protect files with the FULL option can be used along with your
USB VIEWER. Always the larger sized files of say 4GB are unusable
without your viewer. If a hacker, copies only the viewer and the
protected archive, the viewer doesn't work. So hacker must copy
the 4GB files also, which could be made very hard using the Protect
files with the FULL option.
File protection for different file formats:
Using the file protection it is also very hard to do a 1-1 copy
as well as it's very hard to copy separate files.
File protection can also be used effectively to protect MP3 files
along with an .IMP file. Using file protection if you protect
your MP3 files then it is impossible to copy (very hard) the mp3s
because of the sector errors but you can play the MP3s without
problems. While protecting your MP3 files using file protection,
you have to set the start and endpoints of the MP3. The end point
is the position where the music stops, that is in other words,
at the file position where the .imp file starts. Thus, file protection
gives efficient complete protection for your MP3 CDs.
For protecting your exe with .imp file using file protection
you can make use of the autorun option. You can protect the autorun
setup.exe file.
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