IntroductionWith this document I want to explain how to use WTM CD Protector. There are described some steps, which actually did not work for me. But I want, that you get the idea and basic use of WTM CD Protector. Because if you have the basics you hopefully find your own ways to use WTM CD Protector.
- CD-Burning-Software - to create your cd with your files/date
- Raw Burning-Software < Protect only this created raw-Image with WTM CD Protect
- Newest version of WTM CD Protect (
The idea of WTM CD Protector:
First you burn some special modified files on a CD. The Image from this CD will be bearbeitet by WTM CD Protector, so that those modified files won't be readable after burning the image on CD. If someone wants to copy this CD he will get troubles when reading the protected files.
But all the other "normal" files will still be readable, so it is possible to copy only those files and burn them again. Because of this there is the possibility of adding the modified files to normal Files. The end (= added modified file) will not be readable after protecting. Ergo the file cannot be copied. Because the original files are modified by adding the protection, you have to be careful and allways test if the protected file still works like the original file (more later... see also FAQ).
- Create a new Data-CD compilation with your CD-burning software. I recommend fallowing settings:
- Now you have to add as many *.imp-files from the WTM CD Protector folder as possible. Fill the whole compilation with them, till there is no space left on the CD. Spread the files through the whole CD.
You can also rename the *.imp-files to make them look more important, e.g. to "setup32.dll", "winrun.dll", "setupdata.dat" or something like that. This makes it more difficult for the copying person to find the unprotected files.
As you can see in the picture above, I added all the *.imp-files to my compilation, the image7.img even a second time, renamed to "cdprot.dll".
If this image is once protected none of the *.imp-files will be readable anymore. The same of course with cdprot.dll, which is an renamed *.imp-file. So when copying the protected CD there will be some troubles reading the *.imp-files. Although all the other files can still be copied. To avoid, that somebody just sorts out the protected files (which have no use anyway) and copies the important files, you can add some of the *.imp-files to your normal files. The last part, the added *.imp-file will be unreadable and therefore the whole "protected" file.
>link: WEBTOOLMASTER Homepage - Download this Software<
- This protection for your files has to be applied with WTM CD Protector: Firstly choose at the "Options" the *.imp-file you want to add to your file.
- Now select a file to protect, using the button "Error Files", which can be found at the "Add errors" tab. WTM CD Protector will add the prior (at "Options") choosen *.imp-file to your now selected file.
The result will be a file with the name ending ".cry". You can see the exact filename in the messagebox of WTM CD Protector.
- Move the protected .cry-Datei in another folder and delete the appendix ".cry" in the filename (now your protected file should be named as the original file). Because the file has been modified, you have to test it for its functionality. Do this by executing or opening the file. If the file does not work after protecting it, you cannot protect the file WTM CD Protector. Otherwise you can add the file to your compilation, it will be protected on the finished CD.
Attention! When you protect a file with WTM CD Protector it will be modified. Some files maybe do not work properly after protecting them. Click here to get a short list of files being protectable or not with WTM CD Protector.
- If you have now added enough *.imp-files and protected files to your compilation, burn it on a CD. I recommend to use a rewritable CD (CD-RW), because the content of the CD is useless later.
- Create a RAW-Burnersoftware-image of this CD.
- Back in WTM CD Protector select the Raw Burnersoftware-image at the "Image file"-tab. Check if "Make sector errors" is selected at the "Options"-tab and choose the writing-speed of WTM CD Protector. The slower you run WTM CD Protector the better is your CD protected, but the more time you need. If WTM CD Protector doesn't find any *.imp-files in the image (although there are some), or if your CD is not protected after burning the bearbeitet image, choose one step slower.
If you want you can additionally use the "Anti-RAW HPIP-Cryptor"-option. It will protect your CD even better but can cause some compatibility problems. I never tried this option.
- Click on "Protect" (left menu) to protect your image.
- If everything went allright close WTM CD Protector and burn the protected image with your Raw Burnersoftware.
>link: WEBTOOLMASTER Homepage - Download this Software<
Audio-CDs can only be protected as a whole. Single songs can still be read and e.g. be converted to MP3s or burned to a new CD.
Do not try to protect the single songs with WTM CD Protector!
There are two ways to protect an Audio-CD:
Alternative 1: (recommended)
!!! No errors for me, but CD was not protected (maybe slower option in WTM CD Protector?) !
- Create a new Mixed-Mode-compilation with your CD-burning software.
- Add your audio-tracks in the audio-part.
- In the data-part add as many *.imp-files as possible.
- Burn this compilation (I recommend to use a rewritable CD (CD-RW), because the content of the CD is useless later.)
- Now you can create a Raw Burnersoftware-image of this CD, protect it with WTM CD Protector and finally burn the protected image with your Raw Burnersoftware. (read here for instructions).
Alternative 2:
(did not work for me, because an error occured when burning the protected image. Maybe one of you can develop this alternative...)
- Create a new Audio-compilation with your CD-burning software.
It is important, that the CD gets not "fixated" or "finished". Therefore the CD has to be burned "Track at once", because "Disc at Once" forces fixating.
- Add your songs and burn the compilation (I recommend to use a rewritable CD (CD-RW), because the content of the CD is useless later.)
- Create a new data-compilation and add as many *.imp-files as possible (but it has to fit to the rest of the CD!)
- Burn this compilation on the same CD, where your audio-tracks are already written! Ignore warnings like
Klick "Yes" or "proceed".
- Now you can create a Raw Burnersoftware-image of this CD, protect it with WTM CD Protector and finally burn the protected image with your Raw Burnersoftware. (read here for instructions).
Video-CDs can only be protected as a whole. Single videos can still be read and e.g. be converted to DivX or burned to a new CD.
Do not try to protect the single videos with WTM CD Protector!
There are two ways to protect an Video-CD:
Alternative 1: (recommended)
!!! No errors for me, but CD was not protected (maybe slower option in WTM CD Protector?) !
>link: WEBTOOLMASTER Homepage - Download this Software<
- Create a new VideoCD-compilation with your CD-burning software.
- Add your video-tracks in the video-part.
- In the data-part add as many *.imp-files as possible. I recommend to put the *.imp-files in the MPEGAV-folder and name them AVSEQ02.DAT AVSEQ03.DAT etc. This makes it more difficult to identify them.
- Burn this compilation (I recommend to use a rewritable CD (CD-RW), because the content of the CD is useless later.)
- Now you can create a Raw Burnersoftware-image of this CD, protect it with WTM CD Protector and finally burn the protected image with your Raw Burnersoftware. (read here for instructions).
Alternative 2: (nicht getestet!)
- Create a new VideoCD-compilation with your CD-burning software.
It is important, that the CD gets not "fixated" or "finished". Therefore the CD has to be burned "Track at once", because "Disc at Once" forces fixating.
- Add your videos and burn the compilation (I recommend to use a rewritable CD (CD-RW), because the content of the CD is useless later.)
- Erstellen Sie eine neue Daten-Zusammenstellung mit ihrem Brennprogramm, der Sie m�glichst viele *.imp-Dateien hinzuf�gen (aber nicht mehr, als auf der Audio-CD noch platz hat!)
- Create a new data-compilation and add as many *.imp-files as possible (but it has to fit to the rest of the CD!)
- Burn this compilation on the same CD, where your video-tracks are already written! Ignore warnings like
Klick "Yes" or "proceed".
- Now you can create a Raw Burnersoftware-image of this CD, protect it with WTM CD Protector and finally burn the protected image with your Raw Burnersoftware. (read here for instructions).
Working with Autorun-Protection: :The autorun protection is a small program witch exomine the burn program processes.
You open the dialog autorun. Then it opens a new windows. Here you can setup your
autorun protection. In the first field (installer.exe) you have to set the first program,
which you want to start at first on the CD. The second
field (CheckOK) you should be changed that the variable will not be used for standard.
Program should check if this program has been started with this parameter,
your program ist started. The last field is the cd icon. 0 stands for the first
icon in the file. When you press OK, you have got 3 files.
Autorun.inf - This file is the autostart for your cd. You need not start it on your cd, when you do not want an autostart.
imp.dat - This file has formatien for setup.exe
Setup.exe - This is the autorun program. It checks if burning programs or other things are started.
What happens?
Windows search of autorun.inf and starts the CD/DVD automatically. If this file has been found,
windows starts the autorun protector. Now autorun checks if burning programs are active and
search setup.exe in the root directory of the cd or dvd. Is this not the case, wtm opens a
messagebox with copy protetion information and close it.
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions: :
- What are those *.imp-files?
you can find the *.imp-files in your WTM CD Protector directory: image.imp image2.imp image3.imp image4.imp image5.imp image6.imp image7.imp
They are created at the first start of WTM CD Protector. Those files will be unreadable on the protected CD. Many *.img-files and big ones (image7.imp) improve the protection.- What is a CRC-Check? Why can some .exe-files not be protected with WTM CD Protector?
Some programms check theirself for changes in the file. This is realized with a so called "CRC-check". If you add an *.imp-file to such a program-file, it will notice the modification and cancel execution.
CRC-Checks are used to assure the originality of a file, and to avoid modifications (e.g. by viruses or crackers).
- Which files can be protected with WTM CD Protector? Which ones cannot?
Filetype appendix protectable Executable file .exe, .com only if no CRC-Check Archived, packed file .zip, .rar, .ace, .tar, .jar, ... negativ Media-file (movie/musik) .mpg, .avi, .mp3, ... normally negativ (try it) documents .html, .php, .doc, .xls, .txt negativ images, pictures .jpg, .bmp, .gif, .jpeg, ... negativ
>link: WEBTOOLMASTER Homepage - Download this Software<