Exe Stealth Protector
Looking for Protection for your Software and Codes?
Looking for Anti Cracking Protection, Licensing and other related
aspects of Software Protection Technology?
Well, Look no further because here at WebToolMaster
we probably have all that you could ever think of in terms of Protection
Technology and then some. We have developed software that is
compatible with several development tools that include software
written in Delphi, C++ Builder, Microsoft Visual C++, and Visual
We use new unique encryption technology
that will give software developers and publishers an undetectable
level of encryption, which in turn will significantly increase their
Stealth protector is the one stop shop for
all your software protection requirements. Executable files are
easy prey for professional hackers and code crackers. You
need to ensure that your work stays safe, secure, uncorrupted and
within easy access for your use.

We have a full complement of Anti Cracking Protection,
a complete Software Licensing System and a unique Engine to suit
your every need. Along with this we can give you a fully operational
Engine. We have packages where all headers and sections are reorganized
and encrypted in new data structures and then bundled inside a new
structure which basically means that all information is bundled
in multi-layered data structures to ensure greater protection.
Code and Resource Compression allows compression
of the code and resources of your application. This compression
engine is useful to minimize bandwidth and increase download speeds.
Resource Compression becomes more compatible with several development
tools. We also give you evaluation and trial packages to confirm
all your doubts regarding suitability for your software.
We can give you completely updated and target specific
packages to suit your requirements. Piracy is yet another aspect
of concern to many software houses. This is something that needs
to be guarded against, as here there is generally a major loss of
revenue. With piracy being rampant today; what you need is effective
protection against tampering of any kind. If you are thinking protection,
you will need
Protection Technology
Protection strategies
Distribution control against software piracy
Software Piracy Protection
- Anti debugger
- Trial days
- Bind protected file to a (removeable) media
- Start message
- Keygen Generator with expiry date and machine id
- Serial blacklist function
- Expiry date
- A own keygen tool
- Start expiry
- Anti virtual machines
We also have special packages to protect your code and code areas.
These areas are prone to come under a hackers code and they
can be misused to the companys detriment. We can give you effective
protection against this kind of infiltration. We can also show you
interesting features to suit your requirement in the following:
- Code protection
- Key license management
- Code and Resource Compression
For all these protection related issues, there
are also a number of licensing policies that need registration and
you need to keep yourself updated on any changes that may be occurring.
For this we can assist you in the following;
- License management solutions
- Software license management
- License management against reverse engineering
Another important aspect of protection of your
software that you may need to incorporate is:
- Protection of your Code from Decompilers,
- Protection of applications against illegal usage,
- Protect algorithms.
Come to us for all of the above and we
will give you software that will more than meet your requirements!
Now we move on to Copy protection, Distribution,
Pass Protection, Licenses and various other related aspects of this
segment. This has a lot of details that one needs to know about
for effective execution of any protection software. We can assist
you with relevant issues like:
- Copy protection schemes,
- Distribution control system protection strategy,
- Development of an effective pass protection
- Fee income protection scheme,
- Protect License,
- License activation method,
- Software activation technologies,
- Software license management,
- Software licensing control.
There are a lot of things to keep in mind when you think of protection
and our job is to make your job easier by taking away the headaches
associated with ensuring that your code and your important software
and confidential details pertaining to the company are not tampered
with or hacked into. We are there to help you protect your applications
against cracking and copying. So browse through our site and order
in for you wont get deals with such amazing possibilities
and such rates!
Buy today!
+ Protect your executable (exe, scr) files against
Anti Cracking Protection
Full Software Licensing System
Bundle whole Application in an
Unique Layer
Evaluation and Trial
Code and Resource Compression
Compatible with several Development
Online help and tutorial